Saturday, May 31, 2014
Social Media: 10 Myths That you Should be Aware Of
Who said the number of followers is the most important? Who thought that anyone could do this? Is Social Media only a trend? Please take a look at this following list over 10 social media myths:
1. The number of Users is the most important. The quality of interactions is in fact the most important.
2. The Social Media is a promotion channel. The Social Media are a communication channel,and it should serve as a complement to your Marketing Strategy.
3. It's something for teenagers. The age group with most activity is between 25 and 34 years old. This segment represents the consumers and decision makers.
4. Wastes your time. Considering the ROO, the time dedicated to the Social Media represents an inversion that reflects in the brand's positioning.
5. Nobody pays attention to Companies in Facebook. Around 56% of users follow a brand in Facebook.
6. I have to be informal in order to be successful in Social Media. Being represented in Social Media does not mean loss of moral values or Corporate Communication policies.
7. My Company has nothing to share in Social Media. Social Media users are looking for interesting content, and they appreciate that brands share experiences, tips, advices, etc.
8. You can't measure Social Media Results. There are ways of measuring the engagement and determine the return of all the interactions.
9. Anyone can Tweet and Post. One thing is to say "Hello!" and another thing is to start intelligent and interesting conversations.
10. It's only a trend. Social Media are here to stay. More than 50% of consumers make decisions based on opinions found on Social Media.
So, do you have a different idea of Social Media?
Friday, May 30, 2014
What is the Affinity Marketing?
Companies and their ways of reaching customers are constantly changing. In recent years there has been an increase in respect of creation of elements for customer loyalty as a way to establish beneficial relationships for both parties and furthermore, long lasting. But there is an evolution of that concept, which we call the Affinity Marketing.
The Affinity Marketing is not all about offering the customer what he wants, but to make him see that both Companies and Customer share the same interests and desires, and that this relationship of equality may bring mutual benefits. Another definition that would be appropriate, is that with the Affinity Marketing thinks about people, instead of thinking about Customers/Consumers.
So, we can say that the rules of affinity between Customers and Companies have changed. And, these changes made the Companies adapt to the Consumer's needs, usually being a win-win situation for both parties.
Thursday, May 29, 2014
5 Steps to Create an Infographic
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In an age fairly saturated of information, we need to find different ways to make our business content stand out. The quality is certainly the biggest difference, but diversification in the format in which that content is presented can also help a lot.
The more your company can go further and deliver differently and in a more complete way, the more chances of getting relevant experiences you will be presented.
One of the content production that has gained growing attention in Digital Marketing formats are Infographics.
5 Steps to Create an Infographic:
Step 1. Find a relevant theme.
Evaluate your Google Analytics search, discover what subjects are most discussed in other pages, and define a Theme that is both relevant and interesting.
Step 2. Research for data and information.
Research data, numbers, examples and statistics. The more information you have, the richer will be the content you are about to create.
Step 3. Design
Before passing on the task to the designer, prepare a briefing and draw a wireframe of the infographic to get an idea of the position of the elements. Consider how the content can be presented visually. Define the color palette, picture style and graphics. There are many paid and free software that will help you in the creation of an infographic. Find the most suitable for your project.
Step 4. Review every step.
Review every step, every number and every decision that you made before publishing the infographic.
Step 5. Plan the Promotion
Prepare a Marketing Plan in order to find out how the promotion will be made, concerning media channels, people to reach out to, campaigns, audience, etc. Make sure it's a success!
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Social Media: 9 Questions You Should Ask Before Posting
Using the social media can be tricky, especially if you are running a business. But there are certain rules that apply to both personal and business messages.
Here are 9 questions you should ask yourself before posting/tweeting:
1. Is the message appropriate for a social media network?
2. Should I address the message to a specific audience?
3. Will someone else care for this message besides me?
4. Am I offending someone?
5. Will I feel fine after publishing this message?
6. Is it a vague post? Will everyone understand what I mean?
7. Am I using the social media to unburden? If yes, is this bad for me?
8. Do I look like a teenager? Do I use many abreviations?
9. Do I really want to publish this message?
Monday, May 26, 2014
6 tips to use Twitter in a strategic way
We are fans of lists. We are sure it's helpful and it's very informative, and we hope you can agree with us.
Since Twitter is on the verge of becoming the most used social media network, learn how to use it strategically with only six short - like a tweet - tips:
1. Create lists. We told you this was important. This way you can aggregate competition, customers and opportunities.
2. Post tweets frequently. If you are not committed to post a few tweets per day, you won't get results.
3. Use your own #hastags. You can use general hashtags, but don't forget to use yours, and better promote your brand.
4. Personalize your content. Be sure that your content is right for your target audience.
5. Explore the RT's. Try to RT strategically during the day. RT is the short-term for "ReTweet" which means to replicate something that was written before by someone else. RT on Twitter means that the person copied, repeated the text, but showing the credits.
6. Personalize some URL's. But only those who take the visitor/customer to the company's website.
Sunday, May 25, 2014
The Modern Marketer: Part Artist. Part Scientist
A Marketer has to be multi-faceted, today more than ever. Following our previous post What is the Neuromarketing?, it's every day clearer that a Marketer has to know a little bit about Science.
Today we present you an Infographic that shows you whose areas should a Marketer add to his knowledge and curriculum vitae.
Saturday, May 24, 2014
8 Things That Can Hurt Your Brand
Your Brand is your most valuable asset when it comes to business. If you want to know what is jeopardizing your image check the following list:
1. Lack of planning
2. Inconsistent Brand image
3. Producing low quality content
4. Breaking Brand promisses
5. Underestimating online marketing opportunities
6. Not listening to your audience
7. A badly designed and hard to navigate website
8. Crossing the line between what's considered different and offensive.
Dedicate some time to analyse the above-mentioned gaps, and correct what needs to be corrected, improve what needs to be improved. A Brand can be in continuous improvement and growth.
Friday, May 23, 2014
What is the Neuromarketing?
Sometimes we feel that brands are reading our minds when they launch new products. Well, there's some truth to it.
The Neuromarketing is a new approach to Marketing research that makes use of the advanced technology of the investigative behavioral neuroscience. Neuroscientific tools enable, objectively and with scientific rigor, a new dimension of understanding the implicit motives of consumer behavior. Through neuro-psycho-physiological indicators, such as electrical and metabolic activity of the brain, activation of facial muscles, heart rate, sweating skin, among others, the research in neuromarketing can detect the real effects caused by products , advertisements, logos, packaging, etc.
But are we helping brands and companies to manipulate and control our minds?
According to Martin Lindstrom, it's just not that simple:
" better understanding our own seemingly irrational behaviour - whether it's why we buy a designer shirtor how we assess a job candidate - we actually gain more control, not less. Because the more we know about why we fall prey to the tricks and tactics of advertisers, the better we can defend ourselves against them. And the more companies know about our subconcious needs and desires, the more useful, meaningful products they will bring to the market. (...) brain-scanning, used ethically will end up benefiting us all." in, Buyology by Martin Lindstrom
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Online Marketing: What are the User Opt-Ins?
Nowadays we live in a global market. Having to define your goals as well as your target audience is always part of your Marketing Strategy, but there are certain steps in Online Marketing that you have to pay attention closely if you want to make your business grow.
The Internet has brought many unique benefits to Marketing. Some of the unique qualities of this channel are:
- The lower costs for the distribution of information to a global audience;
- The interactive nature of Internet Marketing, both in terms of providing instant response as well as to provide help.
The methodology of Online Marketing covers a wide range of strategies and the user Opt-in is a Marketing technique that allows to lower spam complaints. The Double Opt-in is the process in which the user must explicitly confirm that he wants to receive messages (newsletters and offers of services or products).
Prevent your business to be seen as Spam is one of the most important things to achieve in Online Marketing.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
What does GRP Stands For?
GRP means Gross Rating Points. Advertisers and Marketers use GRP to measure the impact of given advertisements.
Actually, GRPs measure the total of all Rating Points during an advertising campaign. A Rating Point is one percent of the potential Audience.
Media planners calculate total Reach, average Frequency, and GRPs as part of the planning of a campaign. The goal is to obtain the highest possible GRPs at the lowest possible cost, while remaining focused on the target Market.
But, be aware: it doesn't mean that everyone you counted even saw your message. So, the impact of GRP on a Marketing campaign isn't very trustful. A high GRP may indicate that a large number of consumers are viewing a company's advertisements, but these views don't necessarily make an advertising campaign successful.
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
The Struggle for Originality
All of us, at some point, had a blank moment. When nothing new, original or useful came to mind. Isn't that terrible?
In areas like Sales and Marketing, Branding and Communication originality is the key. No one will pay attention if you are talking about the gunpowder discovery. But they will listen if you point out a completely different use for it, even if it sounds crazy at first. Crazy will draw attention to you.
There are some ways of avoiding those blank moments and be able to create useful and original content for whatever your strategy is:
- Be curious. Even Einstein needed to be curious in order to pursue his biggest achievements.
- Let your mind wander. Daydreamers are synonym of an active and well equipped-brain. And, like J.R.R. Tolkien wrote:
Not all those who wander are lost.3. Pay attention to coincidences. But don't forget that if it's too much of a coincidence, it's because it's not. And, you will make surprising connections.
4. Look closely at contradictions. Whereas curiosity makes us wonder, contradiction causes us to doubt, and this can lead to powerful insights because we spent some time thinking about it.
5. Act on your insights. Look at things that you would otherwise ignore. Ignoring the knowledge that you somehow have achieved, is not a smart move.
And no more blank moments will occur.
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Unique Selling Proposition
A Unique Selling Proposition (USP) also known as Uniqueness Statement is the opportunity to make the emotional bond between you and what you represent (your product or service) and the target market, by approaching the qualities and values that you stand for, highlighting the benefits that the potential client will receive by acquiring your products/services.
It will increase your confidence when speaking about your product/service, in a professional and polished way, it will build credibility and differentiate you from the rest of the pack.
It will increase your confidence when speaking about your product/service, in a professional and polished way, it will build credibility and differentiate you from the rest of the pack.
Friday, May 16, 2014
Marketing tip of the day:
Before creating your business tagline, try to define your business in 3 words. Try to introduce your business to prospective clients in just 3 words. Focus on what you want your consumers to know about your brand and product. For example, Younique: beauty, mineral, cosmetics.
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Words to live by: Intelligence and Ambition
Salvador Dali was a creative figure, but definitely an intelligent and ambitious man.
When you're intelligent but not an ambitious person, you don't have the will and the courage to pursue your dreams and exceed yourself to become a successful person.
A bird without wings doesn't fly. He doesn't die either, but he will stay on the ground, feeding himself from the ground, looking up at the sky, imagining the possibilities without the possibility to fly.
Someone with ambition is someone with dreams and goals in life, and the intelligence will just make those dreams and goals a reality.
When you're intelligent but not an ambitious person, you don't have the will and the courage to pursue your dreams and exceed yourself to become a successful person.
A bird without wings doesn't fly. He doesn't die either, but he will stay on the ground, feeding himself from the ground, looking up at the sky, imagining the possibilities without the possibility to fly.
Someone with ambition is someone with dreams and goals in life, and the intelligence will just make those dreams and goals a reality.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
The Wonders of Being Self-Employed
Being self-employed isn't fun and games as many people think. Having your own schedules, being your own boss, being able to work in any place, it might sound like heaven to most people. But it requires a lot of work, 24h a day, thinking about strategies, how to advertise your products, do the actual advertising, taking care of customer relationships, and so on.
But we would lie if we said that there aren't any benefits in being self-employed.
To start, you are your own boss. No more grumpy bosses, no more boring meetings, no more trying to please someone else and figure if the boss is in a good mood or not.
Your earnings are yours and yours alone. If you work hard and give 110% of your energy and soul, all the profit will be yours, not only financially speaking, but in terms of achievements as well.
You work at your own pace. If you're more productive at night, you can work at night and sleep all morning. You can stay at home with your kids and work from home, or you can travel and stay by the pool, enjoying the sun and work. Plus, you won't depend on anyone when you want to schedule your vacation.
But we would lie if we said that there aren't any benefits in being self-employed.
To start, you are your own boss. No more grumpy bosses, no more boring meetings, no more trying to please someone else and figure if the boss is in a good mood or not.
Your earnings are yours and yours alone. If you work hard and give 110% of your energy and soul, all the profit will be yours, not only financially speaking, but in terms of achievements as well.
You work at your own pace. If you're more productive at night, you can work at night and sleep all morning. You can stay at home with your kids and work from home, or you can travel and stay by the pool, enjoying the sun and work. Plus, you won't depend on anyone when you want to schedule your vacation.
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Color Psychology on Sales : Red
If you want to catch your target audience's attention, using a spot of red just in the right place is the smartest way to go, especially when using with a neutral color such as white and black.
Red is also associated with celebrations about love and giving, such as Christmas and Valentine's day.
Red is also associated with celebrations about love and giving, such as Christmas and Valentine's day.
Monday, May 12, 2014
Color Psychology on Sales : Green
Green means health, environment and goodwill. It is the color of money, so it creates thoughts of wealth. It's a calming color, very pleasing to the senses. It is also the color associated with envy, good luck, generosity and fertility.
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Color Psychology on Sales : White
In color psychology white is the color of new beginnings, clean slate, so to speak. It is the blank canvas waiting to be written
upon. It isn't stimulating to the senses, but it opens the creation of anything the mind can conceive.
In sales, it can be associated with new products, new formulas, better formulas of existing products, especially within the beauty scope.
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Color Psychology on Sales : Blue
From a color psychology perspective, blue is reliable and responsible. This color exhibits an inner security and confidence. This is a color that seeks peace and tranquility above everything else, promoting both physical and mental relaxation. It reduces stress, creating a sense of calmness, relaxation and order - we certainly feel a sense of calm if we lie on our backs and look into a bright blue cloudless sky. It's also a fresh and clean color, which associated with the "trust" meaning, makes it perfect to promote cosmetic products, especially when conveying the message about them.
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Color Psychology on Sales : Yellow
Yellow helps with decision making as it relates to clarity
of thought and ideas, although it can often be impulsive. Yellow helps
us focus, study and recall information, useful when it comes to memorize some product description.
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Color Psychology on Sales : Orange
Orange brings spontaneity and a positive outlook on life and is a great color to use during tough economic times, keeping us motivated and helping us to look on the bright side of life.
Orange is a color also associated with promos and special offers, when it comes to sales.
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Use Color Psychology To Get More Sales
Ever wondered how advertisers and marketeers use colors to spread their message and get more sales? Every color is associated with different feelings, emotions and sensations and the trick is to explore these feelings, emotions and sensations in order to make a sale.
This week we're going to explore each color, stay tuned!
This week we're going to explore each color, stay tuned!
Saturday, May 3, 2014
Closing The Sale
When you're selling something your customers will probably ask for something, whether it is information about the product, lower price, a product demonstration or customer referrals. A good rule to remember is to ask for something in return: for example, if the customer asks for a demonstration, ask them for a commitment to move forward with the purchase, if the demonstration proves that your product or service fulfill their needs and wishes.
Don't give in to temptation in promising something that you can't deliver. If a product needs time to be shipped, don't tell your client that you can get the product right away. Be honest and realistic.
Don't give in to temptation in promising something that you can't deliver. If a product needs time to be shipped, don't tell your client that you can get the product right away. Be honest and realistic.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Thought Of The Day: Are You Brave Enough ?
Are you brave enough to transform your passions into a job? Are you willing to pursue what you love and turn it into a living?
It only takes courage and bravery!
It only takes courage and bravery!
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